Forex trading may be a complex subject, especially for someone who has no guide or tips about the trade.

Customers’ reviews on reveal that as a beginner, it can require hours of time every single day in order to stay updated on the news, new strategies and all the materials which are needed. Assessments of opinions of trading companies inform that Forex trading takes time before it could be successful. It could take months, and sometimes even years. Even the most experienced traders tend to learn something new on the market. The smartest way of understanding Forex trading is by identifying those common mistakes people make in the course of trading and devising means to avoid them.

Forex trading can be quite easy if only you can avoid the mistakes stated below.

Making no prior research

Forex may be a market that is mostly influenced by supply and demand, but it also changes according to what’s going on in the world. Take Brexit as an example. When the UK first announced that they were leaving the European Union, a lot of traders believed that it would hurt the economy, so they started selling a lot of GBP. This increased supply and decreased demand. Because of this, the exchange rate was changed, and those that didn’t consider Brexit as an influencer didn’t really see a successful week. A daily dose of new information is essential when trading risky trades.

Not following trends

A trend could be almost anything. It usually starts when a large part of the market starts agreeing on something. Let’s bring the Brexit example back. Imagine there was a trader that refused to believe that the UK economy would go down. He or she could have been absolutely correct, but would still not be successful on the market. A very important thing people consider when they try to learn to trade Forex for beginners is that no matter how wrong a trend is, it always influences supply and demand as long as enough people follow it. When traders don’t follow it, they usually end up having a terrible trading experience.

Trading unknown currencies

This mistake is usually made when a specific currency pair has a good history. For example, those that traded this pair managed to achieve huge payouts in the past. This encourages new traders to try it themselves, only to find out that the “good past” had its reasons, and those reasons are now gone. Trading currencies that a trader knows nothing about is usually considered a bad idea.

Lack of weekly/monthly goals

Goals may not be essential for being successful in the market, but they are very useful when traders are trying to stay motivated. For example, achieving the goal for the past week, no matter how small it was is always very pleasant. While not reaching it gives a unique opportunity to see what the mistakes were. When people try to learn Forex trading for beginners, it’s not uncommon to see them set small daily goals to keep track of their progress.


Leverage is undoubtedly a very useful tool when trading Forex, but it’s also very dangerous. The simplest way to explain leverage is to call it a loan from your broker. Basically what happens is that the broker increases the amount you can trade by 10, 100 or even 1000 and then takes a percentage from your payout if it’s successful. If it’s not, then there’s a chance that a trader’s whole account will be wiped out in just 1 trade. It’s usually recommended for beginners to stay away from leverage during the first 6-12 months of their trading.

Trying new strategies immediately

Almost every trading Forex tutorial gives traders access to new strategies. Although it may seem that you understood the strategy from the first try, people usually apply these new strategies to their official account immediately. By trying the strategy in a real environment, rather than a demo account always helps in remembering the result.


Beginning Forex trading can be a task, especially when you are not informed about the trade. Many people rush into Forex trading without understanding even the basics, and will end up losing everything in a few weeks or months. This article has provided key tips on understanding Forex trading which we hope you’d make use of.